Thursday, October 4, 2007

GTA San Andreas Hints: Rare Vehicle Locations

Duration: 04:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-31 20:35:53
User: BPRoyChannel
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This video gives a brief walkthrough of where to find the NRG-500 (motorcycle), the AT-400 (passenger plane), the Sandking (SUV), and the Patriot (Humvee). This video does not cover every possible location of the vehicles. Please do not leave comments saying that you know other spawning locations of vehicles covered in this video. Commenters: Please do not leave comments saying that you already know where some/all the vehicles are. This is a very common game and it is inevitable that some people will already know where some/all the vehicles are.


josephtan1818 ::: Favorites
there's a 2 location where you can find patriot, It can be seen in easter bay chemicals
07-10-01 11:14:13
spyjake ::: Favorites
haha, i aleady know where to find the sandking. and thanks man im been getting so gelous because every bodys know where the nrg-500 is well, now i do plus a shitload of the rarest cars in the game!thanks
07-09-29 10:43:36
brigada49 ::: Favorites
excellent video !! I congratulate you I like very much the AT-400 thanks for all
07-09-24 22:30:02
difuntoownz ::: Favorites
i found the sandking it has hydralics lol
07-09-21 19:53:02
BPRoyChannel ::: Favorites
I agree
07-09-16 11:02:49
salta87 ::: Favorites
i dont like using cheats, it just makes the game pointless
07-09-15 00:44:16
FurettiLamborgini ::: Favorites
o Thanx ^_^ the Sand king is fun to drive go by area 51 and they will chase up the hills and the sandking is like a lowridder!
07-09-14 18:55:59
BPRoyChannel ::: Favorites
you can only get the dune by winning it at the Las Venturas stadium.
07-09-14 14:43:39
FurettiLamborgini ::: Favorites
Thanx man i wanted to find the sandking could you find the other offroad racer what is it called Its dune sumthing
07-09-13 22:03:19
Neseman ::: Favorites
Thanks :) helped somepeople out. U should make vid where to find bandito :) or go cart :)
07-09-13 10:04:45

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