Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker: Dejavu Part 2

Duration: 10:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-12 18:18:33
User: emoaj66
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Part two of reliving a few of the bosses in Wind Waker in Ganons Tower.


jacmaktsi ::: Favorites
you suck
07-08-19 17:22:26
SonicRulez94 ::: Favorites
Not only again, but in Black and White. Also, if you don't believe he's bad at this game check out Dejavu 1....
07-08-09 23:57:06
emoaj66 ::: Favorites
Yeh if I ever make a game video you should practice if you took a month break from playing.
07-08-10 00:58:36
yahsee222 ::: Favorites
i did not know that you have to fight that bastard again
07-08-06 22:30:59
trams33 ::: Favorites
hes probibly better than you fags. you guys are all talk but you have nothing to back it up.
07-07-25 17:13:11
pablodxrevolution ::: Favorites
if you see great. you can see the 2nd time is more difficult. because the boss is more fast in his attacks
07-07-02 18:33:46
yourtube1234567 ::: Favorites
is this realy true
07-06-20 22:02:23
emoaj66 ::: Favorites
Umm yes?
07-06-20 22:11:22
yourtube1234567 ::: Favorites
o my bad is it true that u fight all the bosses over agen
07-06-21 11:35:14
apenschyt ::: Favorites
The second time you beat him he is not that easy anymore but yup you suck.
07-04-08 08:35:13

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