Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Lance Armstrongs last words

Duration: 00:32 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-22 12:29:19
User: TimoBeilll
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This are his last words after the Tour de France 2005. I still believe in theese words.


bkermike ::: Favorites
thankyou:) will do
07-09-02 09:17:17
btinder711 ::: Favorites
Your best bet would be to buy Chris Carmichael's book. He was Armstrong's trainer throughout his career.
07-09-01 22:55:09
bkermike ::: Favorites
can anyone link me in depth details of lance Armstrong's training.... food diet.. all the details hes bound to of logged down.. or his trainers? i cant find it.
07-09-01 16:55:06
thander10 ::: Favorites
Loved his words, love cycling! Go Lance! Viva le Tour De France!
07-08-23 16:01:52
btinder711 ::: Favorites
With all due respect, are you reading what I'm writing? I said yes, VO2Max is important, but its a different gauge of performance than lactic threshold. They are two different things.
07-08-05 21:32:50
deadwoodmountain ::: Favorites
Do you know what you're talking about????? Go to any sport doctor and I'll bet you $10,000....no, how about $30,000, that he'll say VO2Max is THE most important factor in endurance sports.
07-08-05 21:03:46
btinder711 ::: Favorites
Armstrong's lactic acid threshold is the lowest ever recorded. VO2Max is important, but is a completely different gauge of performance. Don't take my word for it, I'll send you the national geographic article.
07-08-05 20:59:24
shaggy2D0p3 ::: Favorites
Not Lance Armstrong
07-08-05 16:41:38
shaggy2D0p3 ::: Favorites
talking about Ivan Basso
07-08-05 16:40:30
deadwoodmountain ::: Favorites
Incorrect my friend...do your research and you will find out that there are MANY pro cyclist with equal and greater VO2Max capacity as Lance. This is a known fact!!! Lance is not some superhuman; for beating caner? Absolutely...
07-08-05 00:41:00

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