Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Vampire Knight-kanameXyuki

Duration: 04:23 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-06 23:44:16
User: stepdaughter1409
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WARNING!!!!! (if you want to get high(wtf,ignore this plz ) or want to see something that will get u excited, then DO NOT WATCH THIS, b/c this is a mellow and slow video about the love b/w kaname and yuki! ) I was thinking maybe i should do vk one more time after i saw the chp 25, its the best chp ever for kaname yuki fans!! i still cant believe kaname pushed yuki down, way to go! i just think this couple still has a chance, although a lot ppl in the us are zero yuki fans, but in asia, kaname is definitely more popular~~ rofl, hino-sensei its all up to you now~~ song:One Glance, Ten Thousand Years (yi yan wan nian ) by S.H.E. manga: Vampire Knight HERE IS THE SONG!!!!!!!!!! LOOK OVER HERE BRAND NEW LINK. EVERYONE!!!!! http://www.sendspace.com/file/8jyl9y


stepdaughter1409 ::: Favorites
yep yep. ur totally right~~~ XDDD
07-09-22 21:05:14
CuteStuff401 ::: Favorites
I like this song.... its from the series..... Fairy from wonderland... it's sung by SHE
07-09-22 15:13:34
hahahaha015 ::: Favorites
oh thank you very much ^^
07-09-17 21:13:40
sakurablossoms336 ::: Favorites
yi yan wan nian by SHE
07-09-16 19:22:41
stepdaughter1409 ::: Favorites
its in my video info.. =_=
07-09-14 12:19:59
hahahaha015 ::: Favorites
uhhmm whats the song title? anyone that kno please tell me XD
07-09-14 00:37:25
superstarr74 ::: Favorites
yes yes, that would be the technical term for it XD
07-09-10 20:25:44
stepdaughter1409 ::: Favorites
more like who hino sensei picks.. haha~~ XDD
07-09-09 21:51:14
superstarr74 ::: Favorites
this song is pretty though. i'm very eager to see who yuuki picks.
07-09-09 14:28:36
superstarr74 ::: Favorites
lol what aboue kanamexzero XP
07-09-09 14:27:36

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