Sunday, August 12, 2007

Los Angeles UFO Battle of 1942

Duration: 119 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-28 12:48:33
User: aceBryan7ox
:::: Favorites

Yes it really happened in 1942; Los Angeles was the first location for Alien Battle on this planet. The targets were never hit but the battle raged on for hours in the night. To learn about the Aliens flying these UFOS, what they look like and where they were examined start here: To hear The scientific Analysis of UFO's start here: To hear over 300 government witnesses with security clearances, high ranking inside military officers, Radar operators come forward before a national press conference to prove that UFOS are real go here: To hear the most revealing secrets of UFOS The Coverup and The First encounter with ETS go here: To see One Of The Most Convincing Flying Saucers Ever Filmed Go Here:

chucky001001 ::: Favorites
07-05-28 19:10:05
poetofcalifornia ::: Favorites
I've seen photos of this situation many times, where the searchlights come together. This is the first time, tho, that i can clearly see the object. Thanks Joe
07-05-29 02:21:56
TheGreatRevealing ::: Favorites
mad sweet. People will still dismiss though.
07-05-29 14:54:08
caz240 ::: Favorites
official explanation was a weather balloon ha ha ha ha ha
07-06-10 17:56:47
Hieronymus76 ::: Favorites
It's not a matter of believing anymore, it's a matter of knowing.....
07-06-12 19:09:42
Krazyk007x2 ::: Favorites
Wow never even heard of that one before...Imagine that...Something the US wouldn't want getting out and I've never heard of it...hmm
07-07-10 02:25:12
jcoverload ::: Favorites
Is that real footage? If so, where from?
07-07-16 19:34:35
deccal22 ::: Favorites
1 gün dünyamıza akın edecekler
07-07-27 03:10:22