Monday, November 5, 2007

Best parts of Death/Black Metal songs.

Duration: 06:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-02 23:35:05
User: DMPazuzu
:::: Favorites
:::: Top Videos of Day

These are my favorite parts of some of my favorite songs. Brodequin - Hollow. Dying Fetus - Streaks of Blood. Cephalic Carnage - Hybrid. Behemoth - Arcana Hereticae. Cryptopsy - Mutant Christ. Decrepit Birth - ...And Time Begins. Decapitated - Nihility. Dying Fetus - Praise the Lord. Skinless - Cuntaminated. Severe Torture - Twist the Cross. Deicide - Fuck your God. Old Man's Child - Black seeds on Virgin soil. Nile - As he creates, so he destroys. Dimmu Borgir - Sympozium.


CORPSEGRIDER420 ::: Favorites
Prime Video man, great bands
07-11-04 23:37:03
DMPazuzu ::: Favorites
Haha. Dude, I'm the dude that argued with you on your video, I was trying to say I like your bands, but not CC.
07-11-04 23:39:01
CORPSEGRIDER420 ::: Favorites
Yeah, i meant no hate tho man, I mean Hey i was just pissed off at alot of things, and i guess i was just being ignorant, i see that you made a new youtube acount tho
07-11-04 23:40:20
DMPazuzu ::: Favorites
Yeah indeed I did. Fuck it. You and I pretty much have exactly the same taste. Peace?
07-11-04 23:42:15
CORPSEGRIDER420 ::: Favorites
yeah man, lets bury the hatchet
07-11-04 23:43:08
DMPazuzu ::: Favorites
Sweet as, it's in my backyard as we speak. Hahaha.
07-11-04 23:44:37
DMPazuzu ::: Favorites
Oh, I do like them, but yeah...
07-11-04 23:43:13
CORPSEGRIDER420 ::: Favorites
yeah, i get it, there not your favourite, man Brodequin is brutal as shit man, Vomitory and Circle of Dead Children are also Brutal man
07-11-04 23:45:57
musiclover231 ::: Favorites
Choice Bra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-11-04 03:09:46

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